What Are Orlando Residents Doing About water Leaks?

Nobody likes throwing money down the drain, but that’s exactly what a water leak does. Depending how long the leak has gone on, the repair costs can be quite extensive. Not to mention the stress and frustration they cause the home and business. What should you do if you think you have a water leak?

First Step 

Do you have a water leak? Most homeowners aren’t even sure they have a water leak, it is worth the time and effort to find out. Here are a few signs of a water leak:

A sudden increase in your utility bill 

What Are Orlando Residents Doing About water Leaks? - Leak Detection Blog | Orlando, Florida | Leak Doctor - homeA musty odor of mold or mildew

Warm areas on the floor

Bubbling paint

Peeling wallpaper 

Damp carpet

Unexplained puddles in the yard

The sound of water running when water and water using appliances are turned off. 

Check the most common areas for a leak, kitchen, bathrooms, laundry room, storage area, and water heater. Check all the exposed pipes. 

Second Step

If you can’t find the leak, it is time to call in the professionals. The Leak Doctor has the latest technology to locate the smaller water leak without any destruction. This means there won’t be any needless cutting of the walls or digging into the flooring. The process is quick and easy. It also gives you piece of mind everything is taken care of and your family is safe from the toxic mold and water damages can cause. 

Third Step 

To prevent future problems with a leak sensing system detecting any water loss and protect you and your family from harmful mold.

Special moisture sensors are strategically placed around your home or business, they are monitored 24/7 and will notify if your property has a leak. Most insurance companies even give a discount for this type of service. 

This same technology also works for commercial properties, where water intrusion can go unnoticed for an extended amount of time.

The sooner you realize you have a water leak, the sooner you can have it repaired. Which means you won’t have to worry about costly repairs it and not have to worry about any damage to your home or a hazardous condition.  

If you suspect a water leak or have older pipes and fixtures, take some time and inspect them. If you're not able to locate anything, it is time to call the Leak Doctor.

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The Leak Doctor can find your leak and fix it fast!
Call us today at (407) 426-9995 or use our quick and easy contact form to schedule your inspection. We service Orlando, The Villages, Tampa, Daytona Beach, Winter Park, and the surrounding Central Florida area.