Atlanta Water Leaks from Pipe Corrosion

Do you know what the most common water problem facing Atlanta homeowners? Pipe Corrosion! 

What is pipe corrosion?

Atlanta Water Leaks from Pipe Corrosion - Leak Detection Blog | Orlando, Florida | Leak Doctor - ThinkstockPhotos-509309490Corrosion happens when the chemicals and minerals in water slowly dissolve the inside of the pipes. Causing them to deteriorate and even fail. 

Internal corrosion causes deep pits on the inside of the water pipe that eventually penetrate all the way through, resulting in pinhole leaks and busted pipes. 

Pipes can oxidize, from either the chemistry of the water, the soil, or environment, it can reduce the flow of water, and cause water controls and valves to disintegrate. Causing water leaks where you least expect them.

“Oxygen dissolved in water is a primary corrosive agent. Water exposed to the air absorbs oxygen. Oxygen in rain and surface water is usually removed when water seeps into the ground; deep wells are usually oxygen free. In contrast, shallow wells and surface water often contain more oxygen. Water also may absorb oxygen when a pneumatic pressure tank is used. Hydrogen sulfide in groundwater also can corrode metals significantly. You can see high levels of dissolved gases by dispensing water into a clear glass. In extreme cases, the water may look milky due to very small air bubbles.” Texas A&M AgriLife Extension.

This type of corrosion can also lead to health problems. Contamination from copper pipes can cause the development of kidney and liver damage, as well as gastrointestinal problems. 

How would you know if your pipes are corroding?

There are a few ways to tell if your water pipes have corrosion.  

First, when you use the cold water first thing in the morning it has a bitter taste. Which after a few minutes improves.  Or put a clear glass under the faucet, turn the cold water on first thing in the morning, then see if there is any discoloration or particles. 

Second, look for any blue-green stains near pipe joints or in the sink. 

Third, look for pinhole water leaks, or damage from water leaking on the floors, ceilings, walls, and under sinks. The location of the actual leak may not be where the damage is located, since water flows. 

If you suspect you may have a water leak due to corrosion or condition of your pipes, it is vital to have it repaired. Water leaks not only cause significant damage, but also serious health conditions. 

If you think your pipes are corroding, contact the Leak Doctor. 

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