What to do if you have a Plumbing Leak in Central Florida

Water leaks can end up being very costly to a home or business owner, to both their wallet and health. Though the damage may be hidden at first, it can affect the structural integrity of the building to warping floors, cause the paint to peel, the tiles to become loose, and encourage mold and mildew growth.

What to do if you have a Plumbing Leak in Central Florida - Leak Detection Blog | Orlando, Florida | Leak Doctor - leak1Time is money, so if you suspect a water leak, act quickly!

The longer you wait the more damage you will have to deal with later. Contact the Leak Doctor to locate the leak and repair the problem.

Water leaks you can’t see, whether they are behind walls, under concrete slabs or in the ceiling, are easy to ignore. Unfortunately, these types of water leaks tend to do the most damage and waste the most water.

As a pinhole water leak continues to drip, the drywall absorbs the water, causing decay. Fungl and mold start to grow. Eventually polluting the air of your home or business with mold spores.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, water leaks lead to mold problems which cause allergic reactions, including coughing, sneezing, rash and itchy eyes. But prolonged exposure can result in serious harm such as severe headaches, reduced sense of smell, infections and breathing problems.

The most cost effective and safest way to avoid these issues is to remain vigilant and ensure your plumbing and water leaks are fixed in a timely manner by the professional at the Leak Doctor.

With over 20 years of experience, the Leak Doctor uses the latest technology in electronic equipment to save you time and money without the destruction and mess of ripping up your home or business.

Contact the Leak Doctor today and don't forget to sign up for our newsletter for extra savings!

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The Leak Doctor can find your leak and fix it fast!
Call us today at (407) 426-9995 or use our quick and easy contact form to schedule your inspection. We service Orlando, The Villages, Tampa, Daytona Beach, Winter Park, and the surrounding Central Florida area.