How to Locate a Water/Plumbing Leak in Central Florida

By simply checking your plumbing you can prevent big problems down the road. It doesn’t take long, but this small investment of time can also end up saving you tons of money!  Regularly looking at the high water usage areas and making them part of your household chores, will be worth the effort.

What Should You Be Checking?

How to Locate a Water/Plumbing Leak in Central Florida - Leak Detection Blog | Orlando, Florida | Leak Doctor - ThinkstockPhotos-486261403Check the water pressure: Check for low water pressure by turning the tap on as high as it can go, if the flow is weak, it can indicate a problem. It can be anything from a water leak, to a clogged or blocked pipe. High water pressure can cause problems such as plumbing joint failure, water leaks, and bursting pipes. To test high pressure, while the water is at high flow, turn it off fast. If you hear any sounds such as banging or shuttering, you may have a problem that is worth hiring a professional leak detection service investigating.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates over 1 trillion gallons of water each year is wasted through household leaks.  It just takes a leak the thickness of a dime, 1/32 of an inch in diameter to waste over 6,300 gallons of water in just a month.

Look for bad smells under the sink and listen for any gurgling sound in the drains. Both can indicate a clogged pipe or water leak.

Check the water meter outside, if all the water is turned off inside the home and the little red hand is still spinning or the numbers are getting higher, you have a leak on your hands.

It may take just replacing a worn washer or faulty seal, to stop the water leak.  Those water leaks you can't detect, such as those under a concrete slab, between walls, or in the irrigation system that usually cause the most damage.

If you suspect a water leak, it is worth investing in a profession leak detection service to inspect your property. 

Contact the Leak Doctor for more information.

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The Leak Doctor can find your leak and fix it fast!
Call us today at (407) 426-9995 or use our quick and easy contact form to schedule your inspection. We service Orlando, The Villages, Tampa, Daytona Beach, Winter Park, and the surrounding Central Florida area.