Undetected Water Leaks Are Costing Central Florida Residence

Don't let another year go by without taking care of your Central Florida water pipes.  Water leaks are responsible for millions of dollars in damages. Undetected water leaks can happen without the home or business owner even realizing. Even a small pinhole leak, continuously flowing for months or even years can wreak havoc on a property.

The team of experts at the Leak Doctor use the latest technology to locate the tiniest of water leak without digging into floors or walls. This can save tons of money in repairs that most insurance companies won't cover. 

Why do plumbing pipes leak?

Undetected Water Leaks Are Costing Central Florida Residence - Leak Detection Blog | Orlando, Florida | Leak Doctor - ThinkstockPhotos-518470152There are many reasons why pipes leak, every day wear and tear, debris such as hair and grease can cause damage, water pressure, chemical in the water, soil conditions, and fixtures break down. The simple fact is, all pipes are susceptible to water leaks, whether you have an older home or new construction.

Preventing water leak is as easy as scheduling a routine inspection with the Leak Doctor. The earlier you catch a leak the less damage it will do,   “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Superior Result

The Leak Doctor has been locating even the most difficult water leaks for decades, without damaging property. 

If you suspect a water leak in your residential home or business, contact the Leak Doctor for an appointment. 

Repair or Replace Orlando Cast Iron Pipes

Corroded cast iron pipes in Central Florida have become a sore subject. Replacing them is very expensive, digging up your floors and yard is very messy and the process take a lot of time.  Most Houses built before 1975 have failing cast iron...

The Leak Doctor can find your leak and fix it fast!
Call us today at (407) 426-9995 or use our quick and easy contact form to schedule your inspection. We service Orlando, The Villages, Tampa, Daytona Beach, Winter Park, and the surrounding Central Florida area.