Stop Orlando Water & Plumbing Leaks In Their Tracks!

Water Leaks can end up being expensive issues if not detected and repaired in a timely manner.  Many Central Florida homeowners may see a sign of a water leak, higher than normal water bill, musty odor, warm areas on the floor, the sound of water running when it shouldn’t, stains in the drywall, peeling wallpaper, or blistering paint. But they often go ignored. Often hoping they will resolve themselves. 

The Truth Is, The Sign You Notice Is Usually Just The Tip Of An Iceberg

Stop Orlando Water & Plumbing Leaks In Their Tracks! - Leak Detection Blog | Orlando, Florida | Leak Doctor - 2(4)Damage Behind The Wall

Most plumbing pipes are located behind walls, which means you won’t see a small water leak as it slowly drips. Getting the drywall wet and causing mold to grow. They just get worse with time, which is why it is so important to contact the Leak Doctor as soon as you think you may have a water leak….no matter how small. 

Damage From Mold

It just takes 24 hours for mold spores to grow, especially in the heat in Central Florida. With mold comes health issues, runny nose, cough, itchy eyes and throat, watery eyes, dry skin, headaches, and fatigue. Prolong exposure to mold can present an especially hazardous health risk. 

Damage To The Fixtures 

While you may not have thought about it, that water leak can also damage your drains, pipes, and ruin your shower heads and faucets. Gaskets deteriorate faster and water pressure can decrease. 

Damage To The Flooring

Water will eventually flow down and reach the floor. Leading to loose tile, discolored floorboards, and of course mold. 

Damage To Your Wallet

Leaks waste more water than you think. Which ends up costing you more in your utility bill. If your water bill is higher than normal, don’t ignore it!

Contact The Leak Doctor

Hoping the issue will resolve itself, you can end up with a bigger problem. One that will really do some damage to your wallet in repair costs. 

Have a Plumbing/Water Leak In Central Florida?

What is your first line of defense when it comes to water and plumbing leaks? Do you use the wait and see approach? The wait to see if the water bill stays that high, the sound of water running goes away by itself, or that musty odor...

Does Your Orlando Home Have A Plumbing Leak?

The Leak Doctor usually gets a call from someone in the Atlanta area who received a higher than usual water bill, whether it has been steadily creeping up or it suddenly spiked. Or it could have been the mold growing they noticed growing...

Don't Let An Orlando Plumbing Leak Cost You

If you have a water or plumbing leak in your Central Florida home or business, it is just like throwing money down the drain. In fact, it can end up costing you in repairs from the water damage. Not to mention the health issues from the mold. The...

How Many Problems Can A Water Leak Cause

Water leaks can end up being very costly to a home or business owner, to both their wallet and health. Though the damage may be hidden at first, it can affect the structural integrity of the building to warping floors, cause the paint to peel,...

Detecting Orlando Water & Slab Leaks

Slab leaks have become a big issue in Central Florida. Many home and business owners are experiencing either a higher than normal water bill, warm or damp areas on the floor, unexplained mold or mildew, pooling water where it shouldn’t, low...

How To Find Orlando Water Leaks You Can't See

 Water leaks you can't see create more damages than you would ever think! Just a pinhole size leak behind the bathroom cabinet, under the floor, between the walls, behind the refrigerator, under the pool deck or in the irrigation...

The Leak Doctor can find your leak and fix it fast!
Call us today at (407) 426-9995 or use our quick and easy contact form to schedule your inspection. We service Orlando, The Villages, Tampa, Daytona Beach, Winter Park, and the surrounding Central Florida area.