Common Signs Of A Water Leak In The Home

Water leaks are a known issue and can occur to any, "pipes, plumbing fixtures, and fittings are a significant source of water waste for many households". Though they are not the most dangerous risk, they can definitely be costly. In fact, research shows that "...the typical home can lose 2,000 to 20,000 gallons (7.6 m3 to 76 m3) of water per year due to leaks." While some leaks are noticeable (like a water heater leak or a faucet dripping), others are not so noticeable. In this breakdown, I will go through a few ways of what you can check out to make assure you aren't dealing with leaks. 

First, locate the hose bibs around your house. You want to ensure that there isn't a constant leaking coming from the hose-bib as well as a hissing sound. You can do this by taking a screwdriver and placing it on the metal part of the hose-bib. If there's no noise, those pipes should be fine.

Next, you want to check your toilet by taking the top off of it and listening attentively on for any sound as you did before. If you hear anything, attempt to find where the source of the sound is coming from and correct it, if possible. If you cannot, you will need the assistance of a plumber.

Thirdly, you will want to check the meter line (which is the line that runs from your water meter to your home). You can do this by going to your meter and turning it off. From this point, you can check for any movement on the meter dial. Following this, walk from the meter to the home inspecting the line closely. If you see any areas of wet grass or muddy dirt, this may be a leakage area. 

Water leaks can go unnoticed but it's very convenient and cost-efficient to know how to check for occurrences. Now that you've been informed on some of the best ways to prevent water leaks, you can conserve funds and ensure that your home's plumbing system is optimally maintained.

If you need Florida leak detection services or need a sewer inspection, contact the team at Leak Doctor today!

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The Leak Doctor can find your leak and fix it fast!
Call us today at (407) 426-9995 or use our quick and easy contact form to schedule your inspection. We service Orlando, The Villages, Tampa, Daytona Beach, Winter Park, and the surrounding Central Florida area.